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Chimp Empire

Graphic Design + Animation

Moonraker created the graphic design and VFX content for this four part documentary series directed by Oscar winning director James Reed for Keo Films. It follows the fortunes of Chimpanzees in Ngogo, Uganda as they navigate complex social politics, family dynamics and dangerous territory disputes.

Moonraker worked closely with James to develop an elegant approach to captioning that would aid the storytelling within the films. Some rarely seen behaviour was captured on location, via mobile phone.  This was processed through our VFX pipeline, enabling it to sit well alongside the bespoke footage shot with high resolution equipment.

Key Credits

Broadcaster: Netflix
Production Company: Keo Films
Director: James Reed
Series Producer: Calum Webster
Moonraker Creative Directon: Alex Dilworth
Motion Graphics Artist: Matt Denne
VFX: Olly Hagar, Łukasz Grzelak, John Clayton
Production: Lucie Stepney, Alex Briggs